The horses and ponies get turned out every morning whatever the weather, as it’s much better for their physical and psychological health. So they are rugged if needed.
We have grass and all weather turn out for this reason. In summer they are usually on grass, rotated paddocks allow grass recovery and in winter we supplement with hay or in the all weather turnouts hay is fed for the day.
We then take all of the hay nets and water buckets out.
The stables are then mucked out. We use rubber mats and pellets for our bedding.
As you can see there is a lot less waste with pellets.
Two or three times a week or as needed the pellets are replaced or topped as and if needed.
Harley and Galaxy are ridden 3-4 times a week and blue and biscuit are walked or exercised in the round pen.
With our lovely grooming box we brush them and pick hooves we try to do this daily.
We have colour coded hay nets for each horse which are refilled with hay and hung back up and water buckets filled with clean water so all stables are ready for bringing the horses in which we usually do around 4pm or earlier if it’s a particularly cold and windy day or in summer if it’s too hot for them.
The paddocks are then poo picked and water troughs filled ready for the next days turnout.
We also have this in a tick list so if anyone new comes to help or my youngest wants to play ‘stable manager’ they can tick it off.
A paddocks jobs pdf example